Monday, June 15, 2009

Dobro video blog #1 & 2

Howdy Folks,

I'm really loving Jon's first two songs, aren't you? You can tell a good songwriter when they can tell you a story in their songs--Jon does this better than just about anybody. Way to go, man.

I've also been thinking a bit about songwriting, but I have also been spending a lot of time trying to get to know a different style of playing--a style that will, evenutually, require the purchase of some new equipment. I thought it might be fun to start video blogging about my adventures in teaching myself how to play the resophonic guitar, more commonly referred to as the Dobro.

Without further introduction, I give you the first two "posts." (you may need to turn your volume up a bit, my laptop mic isn't that great)

Salty Dog

Wabash Cannonball


the Marvelous Mrs. M said...

I don't know Jon, I'm a little bit concerned about the direction this new dobro sound may be taking you...

Michelle said...

seriously, this is awesome, but hilarious. if this aged you would have appeared to your 16 year old self and shown you this video, would you have believed it?

brandon always sliiiiiides back into his southern draaawwwlll when given the chance. maybe he should pick up the dobro.

by the way, this looks totally hard too..I'm pretty impressed with your ability to teach yourself hard things. way to be.

Jonathan G.Thwaits said...

When you can't hang with da bros there's always dobros.

Pat and Dave said...

I also liked the slight drawl emerging in the audio commentary. You've improved a lot since our trip to Arthur!